About Deaf Mindfulness

Mindfulness is really simple yet it can be difficult to be aware and to live in the present. The more you understand mindfulness and practice it in your everyday life, it will improve your wellbeing.

You can check various ideas related to mindfullness on this website.

Please contact us if you would like more information.
Trudi has 25 years of experience working in counselling and therapy with deaf, hard of hearing, deafened, deafblind, deaf young people and disabled people.
Hi, my name is Trudi!

I am here to introduce the Deaf Mindfulness website. There are two areas here; the first one talks about my work, background and my experiences since then.

The other area talks about mindfulness, this to give you the opportunity to learn and understand the basics on mindfulness and how it can help you.

If you would like further information, do not hesitate to contact me


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It's good to see that some of our members realising that what they are doing is not selfish but for their own mental well-being and made them feel better as it gives them a reason as to why they need to practise 'self care'. 

One of the members said - 'I always wondered why that when I need to recharge, I isolate myself for a few hours doing a jigsaw puzzle and afterwards I feel relaxed, now I know that I'm just being kind to myself and that's a nice feeling to have'.

Deafinitely Women